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Monday, June 9, 2014

Stop Hacking Gmail

Google has provided users with tools right within the Gmail inbox that can help keep your account secured.

Here's how it works:

After you login to your gmail accout, first click select "settings" and view "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" tab, make sure your emails are not forwarded. And also select "Disable POP" and "Disable IMAP".

To check if your account has been targeted and hacked into without your knowledge, you need to log into your Gmail account using a "desktop browser".

Now scroll down to the bottom of your inbox and locate a link called "Details".
When you click on it, a pop-up window will appear, and it will show you a detailed list of the last ten times you (or anyone else) has accessed your account.

It will also show you not just when your account was accessed, but also how it was viewed. You'll know if the inbox was opened using an, email app, browser, smartphone app, and the IP address through which it was accessed.

If you see a suspicious device or IP address,
you may want to change your password as soon as possible.

To strengthen the security on your Gmail account,
you can even turn the two-factor authentication system on.

You can store your IP addresses of the various computers and devices you use to access Gmail, in order to ensure nothing fishy is going on around your account.

Here is a step by step guide to help you check and determine if your Gmail account has been hacked.

Step 1: Find the "Last Account Activity" Section Your Inbox.
At the bottom of your Gmail inbox there is a "Last Account Activity" section.  Click on "details" to launch the full window monitor.

Step 2: See who has accessed your Gmail account recently.
Next, what you’ll see is a table of the most recent activity from your Gmail account.  It shows you,
1 How it was accessed (Browser/mobile etc)
2 Where exactly the IP address is (So you can do some further digging)
3 When it was accessed.

Step 3: Understand the IP addresses – Has your Gmail really been hacked?
If you see IP addresses from different countries, don’t be too quick to panic.
If you use any 3rd party services which hook-up to your Gmail account, they will almost certainly show up in your activity log.
To do you own investigation, you can use DomainTools to identify the IP address. This will help you differentiate normal activity and your Gmail account being hacked.

Step 4: Understand the alerts – Google’s way of highlighting suspicious activity.

Step 5: Sign Out All Other Sessions – If you forgot to sign out on a public computer, you need to sigh-out.
If you are worried you did not not sign out of a public computer, you can "sign out all other sessions".  This won’t fix any hacked Gmail accounts, but it will resolve any careless mistakes. This is also useful if you happen to lose your mobile phone and you want to ensure your email is not read by others.

Step 6: What to do if your Gmail account has really been hacked.
The first thing you do is change both your "password" and "security question" right away.  Then make sure your new choices are very secure.  Google themselves have some really good tips.  For example in the case of security questions:
1 Choose a question only you know the answer to – make sure the question isn’t associated with your password.
2 Pick a question that can’t be answered through research (for example, avoid your mother’s maiden name, your birth date, your first or last name, your social security number, your phone number, your pet’s name, etc.).
3 Make sure your answer is memorable, but not easy to guess. Use an answer that is a complete sentence for even more security.

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Monday, January 27, 2014

Indian Pizza Machine

Indian Pizza Machine:

Printing 3D Food:

Making Cake: Dessert in 3-D Food Printer.

Indian-origin engineer creates 3D printer that makes pizzas fit for astronauts
ANI  Washington, January 27, 2014 | UPDATED 08:35 IST

A Indian-origin mechanical engineer has developed a 3D printer that makes pizza fit for astronauts.

Mechanical engineer Anjan Contractor had won a 125,000-dollar-grant last year to build a prototype 3D printer designed to print food for astronauts on long missions, the Verge reported.

In the video from late last year, the 3D printer takes food "building blocks" to make the crust, cheese, and so-called "protein layer" for the dish, all cooked while being printed out.

Contractor had promised last spring that the cartridges the printer uses would be able to last for 30 years.

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NASA Funds 3D Pizza Printer
by Denise Chow, Staff Writer   |   May 21, 2013 05:03pm ET

NASA has doled out a research grant to develop a prototype 3D printer for food, so astronauts may one day enjoy 3D-printed pizza on Mars.

Anjan Contractor, a senior mechanical engineer at Systems and Materials Research Corporation (SMRC), based in Austin, Texas, received a $125,000 grant from the space agency to build a prototype of his food synthesizer, as was first reported by Quartz.

NASA hopes the technology may one day be used to feed astronauts on longer space missions, such as the roughly 520 days required for a manned flight to Mars. Manned missions to destinations deeper in the solar system would require food that can last an even longer amount of time.

"Long distance space travel requires 15-plus years of shelf life," Contractor told Quartz. "The way we are working on it is, all the carbs, proteins and macro and micro nutrients are in powder form. We take moisture out, and in that form it will last maybe 30 years."

Dividing the various components of food in powder cartridges would theoretically enable users to mix them together, like the ingredients in normal recipes, to create a diverse array of nutritious meals.

To prove his idea works, Contractor printed chocolate. Now, he's aiming to build a more advanced prototype to print a pizza, according to Quartz.

The system will start by "printing" a sheet of dough, followed by a layer of tomato "sauce," which will consist of the powder mixed with water and oil. Instead of traditional toppings, the 3D-printed pizza will be finished off with a layer of protein, which can be derived from animals, milk or plants, Contractor told Quartz.

While NASA sees applications for 3D printers on future manned space missions, Contractor said his food synthesizer could also be an effective way of addressing the problem of food shortages from rapid population growth.

"I think, and many economists think, that current food systems can't supply 12 billion people sufficiently," Contractor told Quartz. "So we eventually have to change our perception of what we see as food."

Follow Denise Chow on Twitter @denisechow. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Originally published on

Sunday, July 14, 2013

smart pen

Smart pen that can recognise Spelling Mistakes
and vibrates when you make spelling errors.

Lernstift is a regular pen with real ink.
But inside is a special motion sensor,
and a small battery-powered Linux computer with a WiFi chip.

Together those parts allow the pen to recognise specific movements,
letter shapes and know a wide assortment of words.
It will vibrate if it senses bad letter formation or messy handwriting,

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Sunday, June 30, 2013

Camera Capture Smell

Camera that can capture smell :)

The gadget called Madeleine.
It's like a electric nose.
Place the funnel over the object.
The pump sucks the air across a trap made of Tenax.
It processes the particles and produces a graph-like formula that makes up the smell.
From this formula you can artificially recreate the precise odour.

How about a camera that can capture a smell instead of pictures?

Well, that’s done. Now you can capture the aroma of that freshly baked birthday cake, or the whiff of your lover's shampoo with this specially developed camera, take the recorded chip to a lab and take home the vials of captured smells instead of an image print!

The gadget called Madeleine is the invention of designer Amy Radcliffe at Central Saint Martins, who set out to bring a more meaningful sensory dimension to storing our favourite memories.

"It's like a huge electric nose.
It processes the particles and produces a graph-like formula that makes up the smell.
From this formula you can artificially recreate the precise odour," she said.

Users can take their exposed odour traps to the local lab in the same way they would take a 35mm film to be processed.
the product being not photos, but delicate vials of the scent,
along with a bronze disk of the specific formula,
bringing a precious, ritualistic quality to the process

"Sense of smell has a direct link to emotional memory.
It is the sense we react to most instinctively, and the furthest away from being stored or replicated digitally,"
Radcliffe said.

In order to use the camera
a person needs to place the funnel over the object or environment they wish to capture,
then a pump sucks the air across an odour trap made of Tenax - a porous polymer resin,
which adsorbs the volatile particles that make up the smell.

The working prototype can take anything from a few minutes to capture the scent of fresh strawberries,
to around 24 hours to store the more subtle aroma of an atmosphere.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Quit Smoking: E-Cigarette.

E-cigarettes are not made of tobacco. They are smoke-free electronic (battery-powered) devices that vaporise nicotine, unlike conventional cigarettes that turn nicotine in tobacco and hundreds of other harmful substances into smoke for inhalation.

E-cigarettes are available in different flavours like strawberry, coffee, vanila and menthol. And their tagline – ‘Stop smoking and start vaporising’ – seems to have struck a chord in many smokers. So much so that e-cigarettes are now retailed by thousands of neighbourhood paan-and-cigarette shops and websites.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Malala Shot By Taliban – Shame to Humanity, Mankind, Justice, Army, Liberty, Freedom.

Malala Shot By Taliban – Shame to Humanity, Mankind, Justice, Army, Liberty, Freedom.

Malala Yousafzai - 14 Year Old GirL Shot Dead by Taliban, in Pakistan.

Because She Spoke Up for Human Rights.
The Little school-girl had a Passion for Education.

She wanted to become a Doctor.
But she recently had changed her career aspiration to politics.
She had a Big Dream to bring Change.

Taliban gunmen answered her courage with bullets.
Her voice deemed a threat to the Taliban.
She spoke up for the rights of children.

She wrote in one post titled “I Am Afraid.”
“I had a terrible dream yesterday with military helicopters and the Taliban,”

In 2011, she was nominated for the International Children’s Peace Prize.

Nadeem F. Paracha, said “Come on, brothers, be REAL MEN. Kill a school girl,”
Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf said, “She is our daughter,”
Swat Taliban are Pakistani Taliban based in South Waziristan.

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Friday, September 28, 2012

Data Card that will Last for 100 Million Years.

This new technology, stores data in binary form,
by creating dots inside a thin sheet of quartz glass,
which can be read with an ordinary optical microscope.

The material currently has four layers of dots,
which can hold 40 megabytes per square inch,

A new Water Proof Storage Device that can endure Extreme Temperatures and hostile conditions like Fires and Tsunami 'forever' without degrading.

Japanese multinational conglomerate Hitachi has unveiled the chip,
which it claims is resistant to many chemicals and unaffected by radio waves,
can be exposed directly to high temperature flames and heated to 1,000 degrees Celsius for at least two hours without being damaged.
The chip is also waterproof, meaning it could survive natural calamities, such as fires and tsunami, the 'Daily Mail' reported.

Hitachi researcher Kazuyoshi Torii said:
"The volume of data being created every day is exploding,
but in terms of keeping it for later generations,
we haven't necessarily improved since the days we inscribed things on stones,"

"The possibility of losing information may actually have increased,
noting the life of digital media currently available,
CDs and hard drives - is limited to a few decades or a century.

This new technology, stores data in binary form,
by creating dots inside a thin sheet of quartz glass,
which can be read with an ordinary optical microscope.

Provided a computer with the know-how to understand that binary
simple enough to programme, no matter how advanced computers become,
the data will always be readable.

Senior researcher Takao Watanabe:
We believe data will survive unless this hard glass is broken,
The material currently has four layers of dots,
which can hold 40 megabytes per square inch,
approximately the density on a music CD, 
including more layers should not be a problem.
The company has not decided when to put the chip to practical use,
but researchers said they could start with storage services for,
government agencies, museums and religious organisations.

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Immortality: Artificial Humans Hand by 2045

Watch Video: Artificial Hand:

First a robotic copy that's controlled remotely through a brain interface. Then one in which a human brain can be transplanted at the end of life. The next could house an artificial human brain....Read More Here:

The man behind the 2045 Initiative, described as a nonprofit organization, is a Russian named Dmitry Itskov. The ambitious timeline he's laid out involves creating different avatars.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

God Particle: Particle called "Higgs boson"

God Particle: Particle called "Higgs boson"

GENEVA — A nearly 50-year bid, to explain a riddle of fundamental matter, faces a key moment on Wednesday when physicists unveil fresh data in their search for a particle called the Higgs boson, the basic building block of the universe.

Finding the Higgs would vindicate an intellectual framework for the nature of the cosmos called the Standard Model. These results mark a significant breakthrough in our understanding of the fundamental laws that govern the universe.

Peter Higgs, the 83-year-old British physicist who proposed the existence of the Higgs boson in the 1960s, was at CERN to welcome the news. Clearly overwhelmed, his eyes brimming, he told the symposium: "It is an incredible thing that it has happened in my lifetime."

The Higgs theory explains how particles clumped together to form stars, planets and life itself. Without the Higgs particle, the particles that make up the universe would have remained like a soup, the theory goes.
It is the last undiscovered piece of the Standard Model that describes the fundamental make-up of the universe. The model is for physicists what the theory of evolution is for biologists.

Devised in the 1970s, the Standard Model identifies the building blocks for matter and the particles that convey fundamental forces. It is considered a hugely successful theory but has several gaps, the biggest of which is why some particles have mass and others do not. The hypothesis is that Higgs bosons exist in a treacly, invisible, ubiquitous field created by the Big Bang some 13.7 billion years ago. When some particles encounter the Higgs, they slow down and acquire mass. Others, such as particles of light, encounter no obstacle.

Higgs called it a great achievement for the Large Hadron Collider, the 27-km (17-mile) long particle accelerator built in a tunnel underneath the French-Swiss border where experiments to search for the Higgs boson have taken place...... Read More Here:

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Highest Manmade Temperature.

“Highest Manmade Temperature.”
Temperature 250K times hotter than sun’s centre created in lab.
( 4 trillion degrees Celsius.250,000 times hotter than the center of the sun.)

Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), a state of matter believed to have existed for ten-millionths of a second after the universe’s birth.
In those first fractions of a second, the universe was so hot that no nuclei could exist.
Instead, there was the QGP.

The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) has set a Guinness World Record.
In RHIC’s 2.4-mile-long ring, gold ions whip around the ring in both directions at once, further accelerated by strategically placed coils of wire that emit radiofrequency radiation.
When those gold nuclei collide head-on, a hot, dense plasma of quarks and gluons forms
something akin to a near-frictionless liquid........Read More Here:

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